Outgoing Erasmus+ students

Change Your Life with Erasmus+

Take the opportunity to study or go abroad for an internship

What is Erasmus+

More than 3.3 million people have gone to study, teach, or volunteer abroad via the ERASMUS+ programme and the numbers are only increasing! Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS) is one of many universities to offer this exciting opportunity. The programme aims to promote students’ education and the development of foreign study experience.

Our students have the chance to spend a semester or a whole year in a partner university or traineeship institution of their choice. 

Students can benefit from an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but their total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.

"Cycle" refers to the level of study as defined by the  European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

  • First cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) EQF – 5/6
  • Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7
  • Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8

The exchange programmes do not disappoint – students and lecturers return from them with a broader world view, new knowledge in their speciality, better command of languages, and uncountable exciting adventures to remember.

Austria Faculty
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems Faculty of Economics and Management
Belgium Faculty
University of Liège Faculty of Translation Studies
Bulgaria Faculty
University of Economics - Varna Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
St.Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Universitet po Architektura Stroitelstvo i Geodezija Faculty of Economics and Management
Czech Republic Faculty
College of Logistics Faculty of Economics and Management
University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Faculty of Translation Studies
Estonia Faculty
University of Tartu Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Tallinn University Faculty of Translation Studies
Finland Faculty
Tampere University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Economics and Management
Oulu University Faculty of Information Technologies
Laurea University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Economics and Management
France Faculty
Universite de Caen Basse Normandie Faculty of Translation Studies
Universite de Lorraine Faculty of Information Technologies
Universite de Lorraine (IUT de Saint-Die-des-Vosges) Faculty of Information Technologies
University of South Brittany (Université de Bretagne-Sud) Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Université Savoie Mont Blanc Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Greece Faculty
Ionian University Faculty of Translation Studies
International Helenic University (Serres Campus) Faculty of Economics and Management
Panteio Panepistimio Koinonikon Kaipolitikon Epistimon Faculty of Economics and Management
Germany Faculty
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Lörrach Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Translation Studies
West Coast University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Westkuste) Faculty of Economics and Management
Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal (FH) Faculty of Translation Studies
University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) Faculty of Translation Studies
Deggendorf Institute of Technology Faculty of Economics and Management
Hochschule Hannover- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Faculty of Information Technologies
Bremen University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Information Technologies
Europa-Universitat Flensburg Faculty of Translation Studies
Chemnitz University of Technology Faculty of Translation Studies
Westfalische Wilhelms - Universitat Munster Faculty of Translation Studies
Universitat Paderborn Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Information Technologies
Hungary Faculty
University of Pécs Faculty of Economics and Management
Italy Faculty
Universita' degli Studi di Foggia Faculty of Economics and Management
The Universita degli Studi Internazionali di Roma-UNINT Faculty of Translation Studies
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Salento Faculty of Translation Studies
Ssml di Mantova Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Faculty of Translation Studies
Lithuania Faculty
Klaipeda University Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Lithuanian University of Health Science (LSMU) Faculty of Information Technologies
Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences Faculty of Information Technologies
Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Mykolas Romeris University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
North Macedonia Faculty
International Balkan University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
International University of Struga Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Goce Delcev University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Mother Theresa University in Skopje Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Norway Faculty
Ostfold University College Faculty of Translation Studies
University of Tromso. The Arctic University of Norway Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Agder Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Poland Faculty
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Faculty of Translation Studies
Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Vocational Education in Biala Podlaska Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sacz Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Faculty of Translation Studies
The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa Im. Stanislawa Pigonia w Krosnie Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Lomża State University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Information Technologies
Jan Grodek State Vocational Academy in Sanok Faculty of Economics and Management
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk / University of Social Sciences Faculty of Economics and Management
Uniwersytet Lodzki Faculty of Economics and Management
The State University of Applied Sciences in Plock Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Information Technologies
Necki Institute of Experimental Biology Faculty of Information Technologies
Boleslaw Markowski Higher School of Commerce in Kielce Faculty of Economics and Management
Katowice School of Economics Faculty of Economics and Management
Academy of Physical Education in Katowice Faculty of Economics and Management
Portugal Faculty
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa (ISCAL) - Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (IPL) Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa - Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (IPL) Faculty of Information Technologies
Polytechnique Institute of Porto (ISCAP and ISEP) Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Polytechnique Institute of Santarem Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Romania Faculty
The West University of Timișoara Faculty of Economics and Management
Slovakia Faculty
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica Faculty of Translation Studies
Presovska Univerzita v Presove Faculty of Translation Studies
Spain Faculty
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha Faculty of Economics and Management
Universidad Publica de Navarra Faculty of Information Technologies
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Faculty of Economics and Management
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Deusto Faculty of Translation Studies
Sweden Faculty
Stockholm University Faculty of Translation Studies
Turkey Faculty
Bilecik University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Atilim University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Duzce University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Kutahya Dumlupinar University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Nevsehir University Faculty of Economics and Management
Karabuk University Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Gaziosmanpasa University Faculty of Information Technologies
Faculty of Translation Studies
Aksaray University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Economics and Management
Başkent University Faculty of Information Technologies
Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Faculty of Information Technologies
Akdeniz University Faculty of Economics and Management
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Information Technologies
KTO Karatay University Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Bursa Teknik University Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Translation Studies
Turkey Faculty
Ankara Science University Faculty of Translation Studies
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Information Technologies
Adana Science and Technology University Faculty of Information Technologies
Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Information Technologies
Selcuk University Faculty of Translation Studies
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa Universitesi Faculty of Information Technologies
Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Translation Studies

All about Erasmus+

  • When can students apply for the Erasmus programme

    VUAS students can apply for an Erasmus grant twice a year: 

    • February 1 until February 28 (for studies in the next autumn or spring semester or for summer traineeships ending not later than 30 September of the respective year or traineeships taking place between August 1 and September 30 of the following year); 
    • September 1 until November 1 (application only for the places unallocated both for studies and internships. Application for studies are accepted for the spring semester only). 

    VUAS can organise an additional application round if unallocated places are available.

  • Who can apply for the Erasmus programme

    • VUAS students whose previous participation in the Erasmus mobility programme do not exceed 12 months, 
    • VUAS students who have finished at least one study semester (the restriction does not apply to master’s and doctoral students), 
    • VUAS students who do not have academic debts, 
    • VUAS students who do not have financial debts towards VUAS and (if applicable) to the student hotel (dormitory). 
  • How to apply for Erasmus + studies? Information for VUAS outgoing students

    Your studies abroad can last from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 12 months. 

    Your study abroad period must be relevant for your degree-related learning and personal development needs and be part of your study programme. 

    Applying for Erasmus studies:

    The student must fill out an online application form in which the following documents must be attached (samples are available on the Moodle platform):

    1. Application online form;

    2. Motivation letter (in English or Latvian)

    3. A preliminary study plan at the Partner university for the relevant semester (printed and signed and approved by the programme director);

    4. Recommendation letter (optional) 

    More information about Erasmus exchange HERE


  • How to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship? Information for VUAS outgoing students

    Your traineeship abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months.

    Your traineeship must be relevant for your degree-related learning and personal development needs and, wherever possible, be integrated into your study programme.

    You may carry out a traineeship at any organisation in an Erasmus+ Programme Country (except for EU institutions, bodies and agencies).

    Applying for Erasmus traineeships: 

    The Student should submit to the International Office (room C210) the following documents (samples are available in the Moodle platform under Erasmus exchange): 

    1. Application form (Printed and signed and approved by the programme director); 

    2. Motivation letter (in English or Latvian. Printed and signed); 

    3. Confirmation letter from the company that specifies the traineeship period (preferably, but if the confirmation letter is yet unavailable, students should submit it within 30 days from the moment of confirmation. They must specify the traineeship period. Sample form available on Moodle

    4. First part of the Learning Agreement for Traineeships. Students should submit it within 30 days before the start of the traineeship period (all necessary information is filled in by the student and company, signed by the student, the heads of the company and programme or the supervisor); 

    5. Recommendation letter (optional). 

    More information here  or in the Moodle platform under Erasmus exchange. 

  • Acquiring credit points and recognition of the acquired knowledge

    ECTS - European Credit Transfer System

    Signing the Learning Agreement for studies: 

    The student, VUAS programme director, and receiving higher education institutions must sign a Learning Agreement for  Studies to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad and agree on how VUAS will recognise completed activities. This document sets out the rights and responsibilities of the various parties. 

    VUAS is using (where applicable) an Online Learning Agreement . 

    Here you will find Online Learning Agreement (OLA) GUIDE for VUAS outgoing students

    Signing the Learning Agreement for traineeships: 

    The student, VUAS programme director and the receiving organisation must sign a Learning Agreement for Traineeships to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad. This document sets out the various parties’ rights and responsibilities, a detailed programme of the traineeship, insurance information, and how your traineeship will be recognised upon successful completion.

    To avoid problems with recognising acquired subjects/traineeship programme, make sure you have harmonised the study/traineeship agreement with the programme director and the Erasmus Coordinator.

    Finalising the acquired credits upon student’s return from the exchange period:   

    For studies: 

    Step 1: the student writes an application addressed to the programme director to recognise the courses they have taken.

    Step 2: the student hands the application to the respective Faculty secretary and the transcript of records. 

    Step 3: the Programme Director carries out the alignment of the acquired courses.

    Step 4: Vice-Rector for studies issues an order. 

    Step 5: Faculty secretary records mobility period in students’ Diploma Supplement

    For traineeships: 

    Step 1: the student submits to the Erasmus Coordinator Learning Agreement After Mobility part.

    Step 2: if the traineeship is mandatory, the student defends the traineeship in January  or during another time set by the respective Faculty. 

    Step 3: Faculty secretary records mobility period in students’ Diploma Supplement, except if they are a recent graduate. In this case, it is recommended to register the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document or issue a signed certificate signed by the Program Director, Vice-Rector for Studies and Erasmus Coordinator. 

    VUAS fully recognises the completed period if the Student and the Programme Director previously harmonised the study/traineeship plan. 

  • European Student Card (ESC)

    Basics information about the European Student Card (ESC):

    An initiative to help students and higher education institutions on Erasmus+ exchanges by simplifying administrative processes and enhancing digitalisation.The ESC is your gateway to on- and off- campus services by affirming your student status recognition at other universities around the EU. 

    Order your digital card here:


    Basic information about the Erasmus Student Network card (ESN card)

    • Are you an Erasmus student? 
    • Do you want to participate in events? 
    • Are you interested in having discounts and special deals?

    Let’s take a look at that page, it could be interesting for you !

    For whom this card would be useful?

    • Erasmus+ students
    • Erasmus+ trainees
    • International incoming students or trainees on a mobility programme, other than Erasmus+
    • International undergraduate or postgraduate full degree students
    • European Solidarity Corps (ESC) participants
    • ESN buddies, volunteers and alumni

    How do you get your ESN card?

    You just have to follow some steps and you will be able to envoy after !

    1. Start contacting the closest local ESN section to your receiving institution by going there: https://esncard.org/getcard
    2. Then choose one and contact them

    What documents are necessary for ESN card application?

    • A printed color passport photo
    • ID/passport
    • A document proving your mobility status (such as a Learning Agreement, Training Agreement, Acceptance Letter, etc.)
    • And prepare 10 € with you !

    What type of discounts can I have with this card?

    You can have dozens of discounts and deals in different sections,such as

    • airline companies ( Ryanair, Ita Airways…)
    • Travel and transports ( Europcar, Sixt, Flixbus, JoinMyTour…)
    • Services ( Eurosender UK, Rent a car)
    • Accommodation ( Road campers)

    Order your physical card here:


    What is Erasmus+ App and how can I use it?

    If you want to have digitized information, share experiences and advice on your mobility.

    1. Download the app on your mobile phone ( both available on Android and IOS)
    2. Connect via MyAcademicID
    3. Apply for the ESC card from the Erasmus+ App

    • Get easy access to the information and services you need throughout your mobility journey, with a step-by-step guide from when you apply to when you head back home. 
    • You can find opportunities, use integrated application tools, and search for verified events and student deals across the EU.
    • As a learner, you’re also warmly invited to share tips and stories on how to make the most of an Erasmus+ experience! These will be complemented by insights from higher education institutions to help potential exchange students.

  • Erasmus Student Network (ESN) card

    The ESNcard is the Erasmus Generation membership card of ESN which means that you can access all the services offered by the ESN and our partners.

    With the ESNcard, you will enjoy thousands of discounts (housing, sport, food, bars, etc.) all over Europe. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to participate in thousands of events (trips, cultural events, sports activities and parties) all year long.

    The aim of the ESNcard is to support and give opportunities to international students during and after their exchange.

    Discounts offered by ESN Latvia to users of the ESNcard can be divided into three groups:

    • Events & Trips - Having an ESNcard provides discounts for attending trips and events that are further enhanced by special offers from our partners during these events that are only available to card holders.
    • Local Discounts - Each section has their own selection of partners that help students enjoy their exchange to the fullest.
    • International Discounts  -  ESNcards issued in Latvia can also be used to receive discounts from ESN international partners and the partner's of other ESN sections.

    Who uses the ESNcard?

    The ESNcard is used by over 200.000 people per year in 45 countries, and the numbers are growing every year.

    You can get the ESNcard, if you belong to one of the following groups:

    • Erasmus+ programme:
    1. Study exchange
    2. Traineeship/internship/apprenticeship/VET
    3. Erasmus Mundus Joint masters
    • European Solidarity Corps (ESC)
    • International undergraduate and
    • Postgraduate full degree students
    • Mobility programme - other:
    1. Study exchange
    2. Traineeship/internship/apprenticeship
    • ESN Volunteer/Alumni
    • Buddy/Mentor/Mobility ambassador

    How can you get the ESNcard?

    The ESNcard is sold in almost all the countries where ESN is present by the ESN sections which are non-profit student organisations. In Latvia you can buy an ESNcard in two ways:

    1. by contacting your local section in Latvia.
    2. in case you do not have an ESN section in your city of stay and/or reaching local section in Latvia is not feasible, please fill out the following form to obtain your ESNcard from ESN Latvia: https://forms.gle/7Pt3W2JBN5RNEscw6  


    In case of questions regarding the ESNcard in Latvia reach out to treasurer@esn.lv

    In case of general question on ESNcard feel free to reach out info@ESNcard.org

The European Student Card Initiative

Student's experience

"For some, Erasmus mobility is the first time in their lives that they have to take care of themselves. During the mobility, I became more independent and confident because I had to deal with everything myself and did not have time to be shy. No one will ask you for help, go to the doctor and so on. Sometimes it is scary to do it all in a foreign country where not all people speak English and if they do not have a high level of knowledge of the language of that country. But by overcoming this fear, it is possible to improve oneself and discover important character traits that help further life. ”

Paula Ivanovaite, FTS (in exchange for the University of Deusto, Spain)

“I gained a lot not only practically, but also emotionally - new knowledge and practical skills, different impressions, friends, colleagues. Only by learning do we realize that everything is much simpler than it seems at the beginning. Gain confidence that you can and are capable, that you have a future and that there is nothing to fear. I realized that I could overcome fears away from the usual environment, that I could get involved in public life and discuss any issue in a foreign language, that I could listen to others and acquire not only new knowledge, but also the ability to live in an international team. ”

Liene Roze, FEM (in exchange for the Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia-TEI, Greece)

"For students who are considering an Erasmus exchange program, I would advise them to do so and enjoy the atmosphere in which they will be surrounded by different nationalities and will have the opportunity to learn from other cultures and lifestyles. Besides, not everyone can say that they have at least one friend in every corner of the world you can imagine! ”

Nilufar Jumaeva, FEM (in exchange for Istabul Sehir University, Turkey)


Coordinator of study mobility projects

Phone: +371 63629651

E-mail: erasmus@venta.lv

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