Scientific events

Scientific events

Scientific conferences and seminars are organised at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences annually.

As of May 2003, at the end of each academic year, the students’ scientific conference, Current Developments in National Economy, Translation, and Technology, takes place, providing students with the opportunity to present their achievements in research activities.

Every year before Christmas, the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Christmas Conference takes place, in which the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and its lecturers and researchers look back at the accomplishments of the year.

At the same time, regular conferences and seminars are held in the framework of the projects implemented by VUAS.

  • 2024

    Manish Hiray from India gave a two-part presentation:

    Part I: Overview of Fergusson College Activities

    Part II: Detection of Diffuse Radio Emission Using uGMRT and LoFAR Data

    Additionally, it is planned to sign a memorandum of cooperation between VaA VSRC in Latvia and Fergusson College in India (

    • 23.02.2024: VSRC researcher Kristaps Veitners participated in an Astronomy School event, delivering a lecture titled "Mysteries of Molecular Nebulae."
    • 08.04.2024: VSRC scientific seminar where Associate Professor Andris Slavinskis from the University of Tartu discussed the upcoming Comet Interceptor space mission.
    • 13.04.2024: VSRC staff participated in the FizMix festival in Riga.
    • 22.04.-26.04.2024: Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, together with Ventspils 2nd Secondary School, organized a student conference as part of the RACOBEU project (Radio Astronomy. Collaboration between European Universities: Developing Scientific and Technological Skills through Astronomy). The RACOBEU project is being implemented under the ERASMUS+ “KA220 Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education” program. Project participants from Latvia, Poland, and Spain participated in the conference.
    • 09.05.2024: VSRC scientific seminar on "Microwave Solar Observations" within the STEF project held at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences.
    • 24.05.2024: VSRC researcher Artis Aberfelds participated in an Astronomy School event, delivering a lecture titled "Masers and Massive Star Formation."
  • 2023

  • 2022

  • 2021

  • 2020

    • 10.12.2020. University of Tomorrow.
  • 2019

    • 12.-13.09.2019: Bridging Languages and Cultures
    • 21.-23.08.2019: Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space Data Processing
    • 11.-12.04.2019: VIA SCIENTIARUM
    • 29.03.2019: The Language of Latvian Science in an Intralingual Aspect
  • 2018

    • 13.-14.0.2018. 12th Latvian Mathematics Conference.
    • 02.02.2018. Jānis Zēvers / Johann Sehwers - 150. 

  • 2017

    • 07.-08.04.2017. VIA SCIENTIARUM.  
    • 14.02.2017. Conference on the Legacy of Martin Luther
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