COVID-19 Checklist

Covid-19 Checklist

Before arriving in Latvia while the student is in their home country:

  • Make sure you are feeling well and are not sick. 
  • Make sure you did not have any contact (in the last two weeks) with a person that had the Covid-19.
  • Consider packing a clinical thermometer with you, just if you feel sick and want to measure your temperature.
  • If you want to feel safer, you could take a hand sanitizer with you to use during your travel/stay.
  • Pack extra face masks with you, so you are prepared for the first few days.
  • Download the mobile app “Apturi COVID” “Stop COVID” (
  • Check out the most up-to-date Covid-19 restrictions for Latvia:
  • Take a Covid-19 test. The test must be done no more than 72 hours before arrival at the Latvian border or boarding a passenger carrier such as an airline.
  • Fill in the Covidpass form: (You must complete the form no earlier than 48h before entering the Republic of Latvia).  

The current lock-down is in place until April 6; studies are online, but we welcome students on the campus.

Arriving in Latvia: 

We would like to draw attention to the fact that a person entering Latvia by direct flights that cross the EU’s external border must take another COVID-19 test immediately upon their arrival in Latvia. If the test result is negative, the person shall go into a 10-day self-isolation at their residence. If the test result is positive, or if the person has not been tested, they must isolate themselves in a hotel. Travellers themselves shall cover the test and hotel costs. Detailed information on the procedure and exceptions from these requirements are laid down in subparagraphs 56.4 - 56.5 of Cabinet Regulation No 360 “Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of Covid-19 Infection (in Latvian).

What to do after your self-isolation is over: 

Schedule a Covid-19 test. 


Central Laboratory Analysis Transfer Point on Lielā street 7, Ventspils (Lielā iela 7, Ventspils). Schedule an appointment by calling (+371) 8303

Or at  E. Gulbis laboratory analysis transfer point on Sofijas Street 2, Ventspils (Sofijas iela 2, Ventspils). Schedule an appointment online or by calling  +371 67801112

You must not arrive without the application. 


Pay for the Covid-19 test. 


If you do the test at the Central Laboratory, you need to make an online transfer of 35 EUR to this bank account:

Bank details of SIA ”Centrālā laboratorija” for personal payments for COVID-19 tests: 

     Name: SIA ”Centrālā laboratorija”

     Address: Šarlotes ielā 1b, Rīga, LV-1001

     Reg. no.: 40003210801

     Name of the bank: "Swedbank"

     Swift code: HABALV22

     Iban: LV53HABA0001408038272


     In payment order, you need to show:   

     Name Surname

     Date of birth



Cash payments are not available!


  • Take the Covid-19 test. 
  • If possible, walk to the testing point and avoid getting on public transport, including taxis. 
  • Wear a face mask to and from the testing point. 
  • Remember to have a personal identity document with you.
  • Until you have the test result notification, you shall comply with all determined safety measures – stay at your home or self-isolation place.


If symptoms are severe - very high temperature, difficulty breathing - call the emergency phone 113

For further information regarding Covid-19, check out the following Websites:

For news and updates regarding COVID-19:

For general news in English:

For official VUAS rules regarding COVID-19:

For up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 tests: 

Daily safety measures and hygiene concept: 

  • Keep distance - at least 2 meters.
  • Wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds. 
  • Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces.
  • Wear a face mask in all public places.
  • Change your face mask regularly. 
  • you should change disposable masks every two hours,
  • You should change masks made out of cotton (fabric) every four hours,
  • If your mask is wet from sweat or saliva, change it quickly.
  • Remember – one household only, no parties.

You can buy new masks at all stores (e. g., RIMI, Drogas) and all pharmacies.

What to do if you feel sick: 

  • Home quarantine, isolation, and monitoring health condition
  • Inform the management of VUAS by contacting the Study department 
  • phone: +371 63629649 
  • e-mail:
  • If you have characteristic symptoms, you should get tested (you can see how and where above)

We hope that you will have a pleasant stay at Ventspils University despite the difficult situation! If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us:

Didzis Štelbaums

Deputy Head of Study Department in foreign affairs

Phone: +371 63629657

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