FoEM Autumn Courses

Introduction to studies and management


CODE: VadZB013


The course introduces the student to the general organization of the study process and other study-related issues, as well as providing an overview of the chosen industry and the profession being studied. At the end of the course, the student has gained an understanding of the chosen study profession, the industry in general, the legislation governing the study process, his/her rights and obligations, and the various additional opportunities provided by the educational institution.


1. Higher education system in Latvia and other countries. Higher education institutions, their types and organizational structures. Organizational structure of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences. Organizational structure of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
2. The organization of studies at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences. Methodological bases for working with information. Student mobility programmes. Student research. Student Council
3. Content-focused insight into the chosen field of study — Business Administration
4. Business environment and functions. Business ethics
5. Examples of good business practice — visits to companies and discussions with representatives of companies

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