FoEM Spring Courses

Developing by experimenting III


CODE: EkonB007


This Develop by experimenting course will help students extend their professional skills in a paradigm shift in the thinking of hypothesis-driven development. The student knows how to acquire, analyse and implement information about product development and experimenting in providing a new product, also on how to make and notice the mistakes made in the process and how to avoid them. This study course will answer the question on how to analyze an existing product in order to judge its efficacy and value. Experimentation is the foundation of the scientific method, which is a systematic means of exploring the world around us. Although some experiments take place in laboratories, it is possible to perform an experiment anywhere, at any time, even in software development.
Practicing Hypothesis-Driven Development is thinking about the development of new ideas, products and services – even organizational change – as a series of experiments to determine whether an expected outcome will be achieved. The process is iterated upon until a desirable outcome is obtained or the idea is determined to be not viable.


1. What Makes a Great New Product
2. Observations
3. Emphasize
4. Formulate a hypothesis
5. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis
6. Customer interviews
7. State the indicators to evaluate if the experiment has succeeded
8. Conduct the experiment
9. MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
10. Evaluate the results of the experiment
11. Accept or reject the hypothesis
12. Product launch

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