FoEM Spring Courses

Human resource management


CODE: VadZB037


During the course, students learn the basic theory of personnel management and practice management skills in business simulations. At the end of the course, the student is familiar with the theoretical aspects of personnel management, is able to plan, attract and select personnel, is able to manage personnel and control the motivation of personnel to perform the assigned work.


1. Explanation of the concept of personnel (human resources). Definitions and essence of the concept of human resources. Theories of human resource management
2. Personnel (human resources) management policy and strategy. Connection with the company's mission, vision and strategy. Value and cost of human resources. Investment in human capital
3. Management of personnel (human resources) in a company. Characteristics of personnel (human resources) management processes
4. Planning, attracting and selecting personnel (human resources). Predicting internal and external support. Job post analysis. Selection process. Assessment of abilities, knowledge and competences. Employee integration
5. Administration of personnel (human resources). Legal employment relationships. Social dialogue
6. Planning and evaluation of the performance of work. Process of planning and evaluation of work execution. Steps of the process. Defining goals. The roles in the work performance assessment. Development discussions
7. Personnel (human resources) growth and career planning. Development planning. Effective personal development plan. Succession planning. Career planning
8. Motivation of personnel (human resources). Financial and non-financial remuneration. Concept of remuneration. Remuneration policy and strategy. Salary — the stable (fixed) and variable part of remuneration
9. Application of personnel (human resources) management information platform in a company. Remuneration management and analysis, assessment management, talent management, vacancy management/mobility, cooperation and communication, accounts of working time

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