FoIT Autumn Courses

Database technologies


CODE: DatZB039


Today, the amount of data to be stored is constantly increasing, so it is important to understand and be familiar with data storage models. One of the simplest ways to store data is to organise data in a relational data model. The course covers the principles of relational data model design. The SQL language is used for data management in the model and database administration.


1. Data storage models. Relational data model.
2. Relational database design. Relationship. Normal forms.
3. Creating a new database. Creating keys.
4. Data manipulation
5. Database recovery and migration
6. Database users and their rights
7. Using web technologies to work with a database
8. Managing database elements from a web app
9. Using stored procedures and functions in database management
10. Using triggers in database data management
11. Event planning
12. Transactions

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