RACOBEU: Radio Astronomy Collaboration between European Universities: Developing Scientific and Technological Skills Through Astronomy


RACOBEU: Radio Astronomy Collaboration between European Universities: Developing Scientific and Technological Skills Through Astronomy

Full Name of the Project: “RACOBEU: Radio Astronomy Collaboration between European Universities: Developing Scientific and Technological Skills Through Astronomy”

Project No.:

Project Acronym:

Call: KA220 Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Program: ERASMUS+

Partners: Universidad Publica de Navarra (UPNA, Spain), Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS, Latvia), Uniwersytet IM. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (AMU, Poland), IES Padre Moret-Irubide (Spain), Spark Academy – Liceum Ogólnokształcące (Poland), Ventspils Secondary School No.2 (Latvia)

Project realization period: 11.01.2023-31.10.2026.

Project aim and short description:

This project is focused on defining a new educational model which integrates knowledge in astronomy and radioastronomy.

Three universities cooperate in the project, where AMU Observatory is specialized in optical astronomy, Ventspils International Radioastronomy Centre (VIRAC) of VUAS is leading in radioastronomy and UPNA masters antennas, and three secondary schools. Within the framework of the project, in cooperation with universities, through innovative teaching methods and practical activities, teachers and students will learn astronomy and radio astronomy skills with the aim of creating optional subjects in astronomy and radio astronomy in schools in the future, promoting students' interest in STEM careers.

Project results: As a result of the project, guidelines for astronomy courses for universities will be developed, teaching materials for astronomy and radio astronomy subjects in schools will be created, educational activities will be implemented to promote awareness of STEM careers, as well as the creation of a community where joint observations can be made and exchange programs for pupils, students, teachers and instructors will be implemented.

Project budget: 250 000 euro, incl. 57 352 euro VUAS budget


Project scientific manager – Vladislavs Bezrukovs, vladislavs.bezrukovs@venta.lv

Project administrative manager – Baiba Reimane, baiba.reimane@venta.lv

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