Associate Professor of the Faculty of Translation Studies at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Dr. philol. Silga Sviķe represented the faculty at the conference "DaF/DaZ-Lehrkräfte mit einer anderen Erstsprache als Deutsch: Herausforderungen und Potenziale" (German teachers whose native language is not German: Challenges and Potential) organised by the professional association "German as a Foreign Language and German as a Second Language" at The Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, on 8 December this year. Programme:
The conference focused on the following issues: further training opportunities for non-native German teachers, methodology of teaching German as a second language and German as a foreign language, teaching German phonetics in schools and universities, etc. The topic of "Non-native German teachers" is very relevant and not sufficiently discussed so far, and German is becoming more and more popular and sought after worldwide. However, there is a shortage of both German teachers and German speakers, especially outside of Germany. The demand for German language courses is increasing both inside and outside Germany. This is due to the close economic, political and cultural links that Germany and the countries where German is the official language of communication have with other European countries. German institutions also offer a wide range of study, traineeship and job opportunities where applicants need to have a working knowledge of German.
At the conference, publishers Hueber, Cornelsen, Klett and others presented the latest materials and resources for language teaching, especially for universities. Participation in the event was a great opportunity to meet other German teachers, share experiences and insights into teaching the language at the university they represented.
On 9 December, a special event was organized by the professional association "German as a Foreign Language and German as a Second Language" for ten teachers of German language, literature and German cultural studies working in other countries outside Germany. The workshop was titled "Education for Sustainable Development: Materials and Resources". The workshop presented and analyzed a variety of new materials for teaching German to students with different levels of language proficiency.
S. Sviķe received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service to participate in both events. The experience gained at the event will be useful for the German language classes at the Faculty of Translation Studies for translation students whose second working language is German.