On 10th of December the conference “University of Tomorrow” (Rītdienas augstskola) will be held in Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS). Such is the name for the annual Christmas conference, which will be held under the same roof simultaneously with the Modernization conference. The program of the conference will be vast, and, taking into account the online format of the conference, it will be possible to attend for everyone interested.
The Modernization conference will be organized within the framework of the Project Nr. “Improvement of the quality of the content of study programs, increasing the effectivity of resource utilization and provision of a better management of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences”. One of the main goals of the Project is to provide a full-fledged modernization of VUAS, by improving the study programs, developing the study processes and methodology, as well as, promoting international partnership. To look back on previous achievements, as well as, plan for the future tasks, the employees of VUAS, who work to modernize the University, deans of faculties, as well as, foreign lecturers, tied to work in VUAS thanks to this Project, will all participate in the Modernization conference.
During the conference program VUAS researchers and scientists will also be speaking and presenting their discoveries in the Christmas conference, which has become an annual VUAS tradition, taking place at the end of every year. In order to familiarize the society, colleagues and students with the scientific research operation of the University, this year 10 researchers will be presenting their presentations in various fields, like Astronomy, Information Technology, Translation Studies and Economics. As the conference approaches, it will be possible to find information about the researches and their work in the VUAS webpage.
During the introduction of the conference, experts of higher education and scientific sector will present their thesis, sharing experiences in providing quality to and improving higher education, various learning methods and their application in the study process, as well as, their thoughts according to the VUAS modernization process in motion.
The conference “University of Tomorrow” will be held in an online mode and will be possible to be attended by anyone interested. The online conference will be accessible in the VUAS homepage – venta.lv.