Further Development of VIRAC Institutional and Research Capacity


Further Development of VIRAC Institutional and Research Capacity

Full Name of the Project: Further Development of VIRAC Institutional and Research Capacity

Project No.:

Project Acronym: 

Funded by: 
The project is implemented under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment” 1.1.1 Specific Support objective ‘Increase the Research and Innovation Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Ability to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure’ Measure ‘Support for International Cooperation Projects in research and Innovation’

Project Submitter:
 Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Institute of Engineering Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre

Project Duration: 

The Aim of the Project:

The aim of the project ‘Further Development of VIRAC Institutional and Scientific Capacity’ is to attract a world-renowned scientific leader to VIRAC strategic development, who would become a strategic advisor to the institute management and inspire and achieve positive changes in future development, achieving VIRAC international excellence in the way of public thinking. At the same time, the VIRAC will become a science centre of international significance in Latvia and the Baltic States, providing services and training in the fields of space science, space and satellite technologies, as well as acting as a regional leader in very long base interferometry methods in astronomical research.

The following main activities are planned in the project:

  1.  Hire a Strategic Adviser and a strategic team, and develop a strategic plan (roadmap) for institutional change in the VIRA
  2.  Improvement of project planning and implementation procedures
  3.  Improving commercialization procedures and cooperation with the private sector
  4.  Staff recruitment and development
  5.  Publicity, communication and integration
  6.  Management and coordination

Main Planned Project Results

  1. 5 high-level academic scientists have been recruited. They are increasing the capacity of the team of radio astronomers, making it a significant team of European and world-class scientists capable of efficient use of both radio telescopes in Irbene; and compete with their research in national and EU-level projects in the main research areas of the VIRAC (astrochemistry, near-Earth objects and solar physics).
  2. Full use is made of the unique research infrastructure currently under reconstruction: establishment of LOFAR station, establishment of Equipment Communication Laboratory, restructuring and increase of 3D prototype laboratory available services, Establishment of Knowledge and Technology Commercialization Division, Establishment of Irbene RT Technical Service, Establishment of Interactive Training and Guided Tours for Youth section.
  3.  Stable funding flow, EUR 1 million per year (Horizon2020, ESA, NASA, Bonus, Life and cross-border programs).
  4.  Increased staff competence in radio astronomy.
  5.  5000 interested young people (future students) are involved in specially designed activities for young people (Talent camps, workshops, open days, expositions of Irbene Interactive Science Centre with guides).
  6.  Increased number of outstanding publications (with an impact rate above 5) to 5–6 per year.
  7.  5 high-ranking visiting researchers are involved.
  8.  6–8 world-class young doctoral students are attracted.
  9.  Increased the number of active projects to 3-4 outstanding projects per year.
  10.  A doctoral program has been created and 20 doctoral students have been attracted.
  11.  Achieved approval of 2–4 applications for world-class R&D network projects;
  12.  The number of patents has been increased to 2–3 international patents per year and 1–2 licensing agreements have been reached.
  13.  Created 30–40 innovations in a 3-year period.
  14.  Several qualified researchers from the following networks have been nominated for research at the VIRAC: EVN, LOFAR, ALMA, MERLIN, MeerKAT, ASKAP, EISKAT, IVS and other ‘Big Science’ radio observatories.

The total project funding is EUR 2,475,625.00, of which ERDF funding is EUR 2,104,281.25 and government co-funding – EUR 371,343.75.

Project implementation venue – Ventspils city and Ventspils region, Ances parish. The duration of the project implementation is 59 months: 1/1/2019–30/11/2023

The direction of the project corresponds the Frascati manuals for the 1st sub-direction of physical sciences of the 1st direction of natural sciences 1.3.

Contact Information:
Project Manager
 – Aleksejs Klokovs, aleksejs.klokovs@venta.lv, +371 63629656
Project Coordinator 
– Maija Cēbere, maija.cebere@venta.lv, +371 63629662

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