Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity


Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity

Project title: Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity

Project No. lzp-2020/1-0179

Program: Fundamental and applied research of the Latvian Scientific Council

Project aim: The aim of the project is to create an open-access interactive multi-functional database-management system (hereinafter — IMDS ) with data storage and a wide range of statistical/search options especially for language research purposes and comparative multi-lingual studies in linguistics and terminology. Project expected results: 13 publications, organised conference, Information system.         

Project manager: Silga Sviķe

Realization period: 01.01.2021.-31.12.2023.

Budget for the project: 300000 EUR

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