Studies of Physical-Chemical Processes of the Interstellar Environment


Studies of Physical-Chemical Processes of the Interstellar Environment

Name of the Project: Studies of Physical-Chemical Processes of the Interstellar Environment

Project implementer: Ventspils University of Applied Science Institute of Engineering Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC)

Project No.:

Project Acronym: ASTRA

Liaison Body: The Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA)

Operational Programme: The project is being implemented within the specific objective of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment’ Specific Support Objective of the 1.1.1 ‘Increase the Research and Innovative Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Capacity to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure’ in the Framework of Measure ‘Practical research’; legislative document – Cabinet Regulation No. 34 of 12 January, 2016 on ‘Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment’ Specific Support Objective of the 1.1.1 ‘Increase the Research and Innovative Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Capacity to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure’ in the framework of measure ‘Practical research’ Implementing Rules’

Project Duration: 1/2/2017–31/1/2020

Total Eligible Costs: EUR 624,448.75, from which – aid amount: 92.50% of eligible expenditure, not exceeding EUR 577,615.09, from which:

  • ERDF funding: 85.00% of eligible expenditure, not exceeding EUR 530,781.44;
  • Government funding: 7.50% of eligible expenditure, not exceeding EUR 46,833.65;
  • Ventspils University of Applied Sciences funding: 7.50% of eligible expenditure, not exceeding EUR 46,833.66.

Project Scientific Supervisor: Dr. phys. Ivars Šmelds

Achievable Results: 13 scientific publications, 15 scientific conference reports, 3 software packages 

Brief Description and Aim of the Project:

Research on the ‘Studies of Physical-Chemical Processes of the Interstellar Environment’ will theoretically simulate chemical processes in the interstellar environment, study the flight of a substance from some types of stars (so-called asymptotic giant branch), and study radio exposure of molecules in the space using the newly upgraded radio telescopes at the disposal of VIRAC. During the implementation of the project the methodology for the use of radio telescopes will be improved and new programmes for the use of modern computing techniques will be developed. Planned project goals are 13 scientific publications, 15 scientific conference reports, 3 software packages. Cooperation with foreign research institutions will be strengthened: the Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory (Poland) and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Germany). Observations are planned to be made using the world’s largest astronomical instruments, such as a radio telescope with a 100 m diameter in Effelsberg (Germany). The project will also promote the generational change in the science in Latvian –a number of doctoral theses and dissertations will be drafted during the project.
The research will be implemented within the operational programme ‘Growth and Employment’ Specific Support Objective of the 1.1.1 ‘Increase the Research and Innovative Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Capacity to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure’ in the framework of measure ‘Practical research’. Unlike many other similar programmes funded by the European Union, that focus either on indirect support for research (e. g. mobility of researchers, science infrastructure) or support for applied research, this programme will allocate up to 20% of funds to fundamental research. These studies are not directly focused on creating specific technologies or developments needed for the economy, but on building new knowledge and improving collective capacity for researchers. Fundamental research also increases the prestige of scientific institutions and the country, which, in turn, allows to attract money for applied research. A key aspect of fundamental research is also that they themselves require the development of front-rank technologies for their performance, and the latter should be used for purely practical purposes.
In the light of the above, the final objective of the launched research project is to consolidate and cement VIRAC in line with the  ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ of the Latvian Smart Specialization Strategy RIS3. The project duration is 36 months, starting from 1 February, 2017 and is expected to employ 14 employees.

Contact Information:
Project Scientific Supervisor: Dr. phys. Ivars Šmelds, +371 26412683,
Project Manager: Estere Vītola, +371 26552012,

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