Name of the Project: Commercialization of Wireless Sensor System for Remote Healthcare and Assisted Living
Project No.: KC-PI-2017/101
Project Submitter:
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
Author of the Project Concept: Smart Technology Research Centre of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
Project Scientific Supervisor: Ph. D. Jānis Hofmanis
The project is implemented within Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment’ 1.2.1 Specific Support Objective ‘Increase Private Sector Investment in R&D’ within Measure ‘Support for the Improvement of the Technology Transfer System’
The Aim of the Project: Create and commercialize smart sensory systems for seniors and people with disabilities.
Background Information: Ageing, trauma, postoperative recovery and overall deterioration of health creates uncontrolled risks of falling, which are, especially for older people, one of the main causes of death from severe trauma and delayed provision of medical treatment. Even younger people are prone to uncontrolled falling caused by various injuries, postoperative state and diseases. If severe injuries (broken bones and strong bruises) have occurred to the patient and they have not been able to receive timely medical treatment, the patient’s life is at risk and their recovery will require a long rehabilitation period. In order to call for emergency help, the patient very often has to perform hard, painful, and at times life threatening movements.
Description of the Project: By using the system developed in the project, a person will be sure, that the accident will be automatically fixated and medical treatment will be provided as soon as possible. The provided uncontrolled falling sensory system consists of an autonomous worn sensor that will be integrated into the patient’s clothing and it will monitor the his/her activities, immediately identifying the moment of a fall, as well as the approximate location of the patient in the building, which will, in turn, ease and speed up the provision of first aid. In addition to the falling sensor that will be integrated into the patient’s clothing it will be possible to attach other autonomous sensors, easily installable in the patient’s living quarters, which will monitor, for example, gasses, light, sound, mattress (body position and sleep pattern analysis), water overflow and temperature. All sensors will work as a joint network (Internet of things, IoT), which will be implemented on the basis of the RF communication technology solution. In this case the provided solution will surpass other similar telemedical systems as it will also analyse other daily activities (ADL – Activities of Daily Living) by using other sensors. Data from theses sensors will provide information about the possible problems in the daily life, for example, the patient being in bed or seated for too long or the patient moving in their quarters in an extraordinary manner and various other events. All events will be compiled and stored in the information system, which will be overseen by medical personnel form various hospitals, nursing homes or by employees form a spin-off enterprise, who will oversee the private user system. Also the system will be able to be accessed by the patients’ family members or other caretakers.
Stage I of the Project: On November 30, 2017, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences submitted a project application form to the Latvian Investment and Development Agency drafted by the Smart Technology Research Centre of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences.
Stage II of the Project: On January 29, 2017, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences received a decision for the approval of the Project application from the Latvian Investment and Development Agency. At this stage, Ventspils University College needs to perform a technical and economic feasibility study of the project and develop a commercialization strategy within six months. The maximum funding for support for these activities is EUR 25,000.00.
Project Duration: 29/1/2018–29/7/2018 (6 months)
Total Costs: EUR 27,777.00
Project Funding:
90% European Regional Development Fund and government funds (25,000.00 euros), 10% Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (2,777.00 euros)
Contact Information:
Project Scientific Supervisor
Jānis Hofmanis
Telephone: +371 22078375