COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities


COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities (COLOURS) 

Full Name of the Project: COLOURS “COLLaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities”.

Project No.:

Project Acronym:

Implementing Agency: European Commission (Erasmus+)


Project Applicant: Main partner: University of Paderborn (Germany)


Partners: Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), University of Limoges (France), University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), University of Ferrara (Italy), Kristianstad University (Sweden), Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland), Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek (Croatia), and St. Kliment Ohridski University in Bitola (North Macedonia), with an associated partner, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (Ukraine).


VUAS Project Leader: Ph.D. Dace Štefenberga


VUAS Administrative Coordinators: Ieva Rozenberga, Baiba Reimane


Project Implementation Period: 01.01.2024. – 31.12.2027. (48 months)


Project Description:

 The international consortium COLOURS, including Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, has obtained the status of European University. Only 7 consortia out of 65 applications received funding from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. For Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, it is an excellent opportunity to develop and establish international cooperation with educators, scientists, and innovators for the exchange of experiences.


Objective: To enhance the quality of European higher education and promote cooperation between institutions, students, and staff. Strengthen cooperation between regions and institutions therein.



  • Ensure strategic, sustainable management of university alliances, addressing common challenges and involving regional stakeholders - public institutions, businesses, and students.
  • Provide common alliance digital infrastructure to create an open environment for addressing regional challenges and collaboration.
  • Implement an open education model, ensure participation and open innovation processes in COLOURS alliance regions, network with regional stakeholders, and commercialize ideas.
  • Promote research and business opportunities and improve the innovation ecosystem.
  • Enhance Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) policies.

Dissemination and communication of project results.

Project Results: Implementation of solutions developed by the COLOURS alliance in participating universities.




Dace Štefenberga:

Kristiāna Balode:

Ieva Rozenberga:

By Rota Rulle 14 Oct, 2024
We are pleased to announce the first annual COLOURS Conference, which will take place in Osijek, Croatia, from October 24-25, 2024, with a pre-conference day on October 23. This event will be organized by Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia in cooperation with Paderborn University, Germany. It represents a significant step in the development of our alliance, bringing together COLOURS partners, stakeholders, and students to discuss key initiatives and foster collaboration across institutions. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, enabling wider participation from across the COLOURS community. Those who are unable to attend in person will have the opportunity to join online and engage with the sessions remotely. The conference will provide a structured platform for sharing ideas and strengthening partnerships. The program will include workshops, presentations, and discussions focused on innovation, education, and strategic collaboration within the COLOURS network. Key Details: Pre-Conference Day (October 23) : Field study focused on the COLOURS Smart Specialization Strategy IT and Digital Transformation, for internal COLOURS members. Day 1 (October 24) : COLOURS Innovation & Engagement Day, involving external partners and stakeholders, with workshops highlighting Smart Specialization Strategies and a session dedicated to student talent development. Day 2 (October 25) : COLOURS Collaborative Progress Day, aimed at reinforcing internal collaborations, featuring the “Creators’ Corner” for showcasing innovative solutions and projects. We invite all partner universities to contribute ideas, and participate actively in the program. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a pioneering event that celebrates collaboration and the creative spirit of our alliance. Please register here by October 14, 2024
By Rota Rulle 14 Oct, 2024
From this year, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Master's study program "Strategic Intercultural Communication" includes study course "Digital Corporate Communication Strategies", within which our students together with other Master's students from different universities will participate in the "Global virtual teams" project. Students will work in multicultural teams, mixed from different universities, to develop a digital communication strategy for the expansion of a company in another country's market. This project is a simulation and the strategies will not reach the selected companies, but it will be good practice for the students to work in international teams and try their hand at developing strategic documents. The project will run for 10 weeks, from 7 October to 13 December, during which the students will work independently in teams, participate in virtual workshops and consultations, and, at the end, present their work. The project will allow students to put into practice their knowledge of intercultural communication they have acquired in the studies, improve their digital skills, learn about the benefits and challenges of multicultural virtual teams, and exchange knowledge and experience with students and lecturers from other universities who act as team mentors in the project. The mentor and lecturer in the project from VUAS is guest lecturer Elīza Cimdiņa. This international study project, led by the Paderborn University, has been running for several years. It is intended to be conducted entirely virtually, using the Paderborn University's e-learning platform KOMO. This will also give the VUAS representatives opportunity to adopt good practices in using e-learning platforms for virtual course delivery. The project will bring together students and lecturers from 6 European universities: Clermont Auvergne University (France), University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (Czech Republic), Paderborn University (Germany), Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola (Northern Macedonia) and Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). Along with VUAS, the “COLOURS” Alliance university from Northern Macedonia has also joined the project this year. It is this European University Alliance "COLOURS" that is the basis for new faculty friendships and new faculty cooperation. This is a practical example of how the “COLOURS” Alliance colours and enriches our study process.
By Rota Rulle 23 Sep, 2024
Enhance your language learning experience by joining us for activities such as language cafés, quizzes, videos, presentations and more in the languages of our nine partner universities : Croatian , French , German , Italian , Latvian , Macedonian , Polish , Spanish and Swedish . Registration UCLM, LMU, UNIFE, HKR, UNIOS, UPB: --> No need to register! To log in you simply: go to Bloomhub click on EduGAIN login choose your institution and log in with your university account UKLO, JDU, VUAS and external parties: Send an email to asking to register for the European Day of Languages. Please provide your name and email address. The deadline is the 23 September 2024. You will receive your login details via email on the 25 September.
By Rota Rulle 20 May, 2024
We invite you to participate in an informative seminar on microcredit courses within the framework of the COLORS project. Microcredits (Microcredentials) courses, intended for the professional development of citizens, are one of the activities of the "COLOURS" consortium of European Universities. The European Commission explains : "A 'microcredit' is a record of the learning results obtained by the learner after a small amount of learning (from 0.5 ECTS and above). The learning experience leading to the award of microcredits is designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge , skills and competences that meet societal, personal, cultural or labor market needs." During the project, at least 18 microcredit courses will be created, which comply with the principles of open education. We invite you to an informative seminar where you can learn more about the basic principles of microcredits and learn from the experience of UNA Eiorpa ( ) and EUTOPIA ( ) consortia. Time of the seminar: May 24, at 11.00 Registration: 
By Rota Rulle 21 Jul, 2023
By decision of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels, the international consortium COLOURS, which Ventspils University of Applied Sciences is part of, received the status of a European University. Obtaining the honourable title is the result of VUAS joining the consortium and participating in the implementation of a powerful, interinstitutional project. Only 7 consortia out of 65 applications received funding from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). It is a great opportunity for VUAS to develop and build international cooperation with lecturers, scientists and innovators for the exchange of experience. COLOURS, or COLlaborative innOvative sUstainable Regional univerSities is an alliance of nine universities from EU countries, whose common feature is a strong commitment to the development of regions. Apart from Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, it comprises: Paderborn University (Germany) - leader, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), University of Ferrara (Italy), Le Mans University (France), Kristianstad University (Sweden), Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek (Croatia), University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola (Macedonia), Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland). Project funding is approx. EUR 15 million for a joint project for 48 months. COLOURS will promote joint educational programmes in international and interdisciplinary teams in the field of research and innovation, in cooperation with local external stakeholders. This profile of the proposed joint ventures will also optimise the mobility of students, young researchers, academics and administrative staff of the partner universities. At the same time, innovative interdisciplinary pilot projects will foster the strengthening of research cooperation in the international space and the transfer of knowledge and technologies supporting entrepreneurship in the local, international and general social context. 
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