Name of the Project: Environmentally Friendly Small Power Generator with the Rotor Linear Motion (DrauGen)
Project Identification No.:
The project is implemented within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment’ 1.1.1 Specific Support Objective ‘Increase the Research and Innovation Capacity of Latvian Research Institutions and the Ability to Attract External Funding by Investing in Human Resources and Infrastructure’ within the framework of the 2nd round of the measure ‘Practical Orientation Research’.
Project Duration: 1/3.2019–28/2/2021
Project Funding:
Total approved costs are EUR 472,069.00 and they are financed from the following financial sources:
Brief Description and Aim of the Project:
The main aim of the project is the development of new technological solutions and demonstration prototypes of bicycles and hand-held generators. It is an industrial study that aims to acquire new knowledge and skills to develop a new technological solution.
Scientific results will be published in scientific articles, technological development will be provided by cooperation partners, demonstration models will be available for public discussion.
Several students will be involved in the project, as one of the goals of the project is education and attracting young people to science and industry.
Project Activities:
Project Results:
It is planned to prepare two software models, one test bench for generator samples, three sets with generator samples, three demonstration model sets, four scientific publications, implement two public information seminars, prepare two patents, as well as prepare technical documentation for first and second type generators during the project.
The main result of the project will be a new technological solution and a new type of bicycle generator.
Contact Information:
Project Scientific Supervisor – Dr. sc. ing. Valerijs Bezrukovs
Project Administrative Manager – Ieva Kozlova,