Name of the Project: Experimental 3D printer with Integrated Software Tailored for Printing Prostheses
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS) in partnership with the associates has implemented a research project ‘1.2.1 Specific Support Objective ‘Increase Private Investment in R&D’ Measure ‘Support for the Development of New Products and Technologies within the Competence Centres’ of the Operational Programme ‘Growth and Employment’ within the second round of the project
Project No.:
Research Number and Name: No. 26, ‘Experimental 3D Printer with Integrated Software Tailored for Printing Prosthetics’
Project Aim:
The research project aims to carry out a technical feasibility study, to define precise requirements for software functionality and to develop and test a dedicated experimental 3D printer with integrated software for printing prostheses.
The study was conducted within the framework of the Smart Materials and Technologies Competence Centre project.
Information about the Competence Centre:
The studies are carried out within the framework of the Smart Materials and Technology Competencies Centre project.
The aim of the Competence Centre is to support at least 20 research studies according with the defined research lines, by developing new products and technologies in the sector and by introducing them into production, thereby promoting research and industrial cooperation, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the companies in the sector.
The project is being implemented in the field of Latvia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy ‘Smart Materials, Technology and Engineering Systems’, sub-area ‘Smart Materials’.
Project Duration: 1/9/2016–31/12/2018
The total ERDF funding of the project: EUR 3,206,250.00.
More information: and
Project Results: An experimental 3D printer adapted for the printing of prostheses has been developed and tested with integrated software, developed accordingly with the requirements defined during project implementation, thus ensuring that the product is TRL7 compatible.
The results were presented and confirmed at the meeting of the project supervisory board on 14/1/2019.
Research Implementers/Partners: SIA Baltic3d.EU, SIA Custom3D Tech and Ventspils University of Applied Sciences.
Project Duration: 1/9/2017–31/12/2018
Activities performed by VUAS to achieve the objective of the study:
For the successful execution of the project, the main problems, faced by 3D scanning grid processors were initially identified. The main issues identified were the grid, which resulted into 3D scans with holes, duplicated and detached, and intersecting artifacted surfaces and openings, leg-scale verification, defining the quality of the scan surface, and adding material to the scan grid.
An analysis was performed comparing the available libraries for processing grids and selecting the most optimal solution. The methods were then examined to choose the best way to automatically position the leg in a predefined coordinate system.
From the received leg grids, a template of a foot was calculated for high-quality performance in further tasks, creating a prototype for building further templates. A prototype for leg positioning was created and the procedure was then prepared for implementation. Methods were also explored to match the surface of the template without surface deformation and for the detection of predefined general areas in a particular leg grid.
Criteria were developed to determine the quality of the scan grid for verification metrics and their automatic detection/calculation from the 3D scan grid. A prototype and a procedure was designed for automatic determination of the quality of the scan grid and to close all empty spaces. A prototype has been established and the detection and prevention of duplicate surfaces have also been prepared for implementation in the grid. A prototype was created and was prepared for implementation to prevent creations of duplicate surfaces in the grid.
Through experimentation, the most practicable and objective way of checking the scale of the scan was found. A procedure for implementing was prepared to measure the size of the grid.
Several methods for artificial deformation of leg areas were evaluated and tested, one solution selected – RSE-ARAP [Z. Levi & C. Gotsman, 2013, Smooth Rotation Enhanced As-Rigid-As-Possible Mesh Animation, IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.]
Several methods of applying the material to the leg grid have been studied and tested to simulate the part of medical work where the legs mould is prepared to control the pressure of orthosis on specific areas of the leg. Three methods were examined:
Planar graph grid ‘blow up’ method, [Baran, I., & Lehtinen, J. Notes on Inflating Curves.]
Modelling of the surface using FEM [Jacobson, A., Tosun, E., Sorkine, O., & Zorin, D. (2010, July). Mixed finite elements for variational surface modelling. In Computer graphics forum (Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1565–1574). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.]
Rigid surface transformation methods [Sorkine, O., & Alexa, M. (2007, July). As-rigid-as-possible surface modelling. In Symposium on Geometry processing (Vol. 4, p. 30).]
A prototype was created to add or remove material in specific areas of the grid.
The total funding of the research:
Eligible costs:
EUR 167,978.69, including ERDF funding:
EUR 114,686.15
Contact Information:
Project Manager – VUAS Smart Technology Research Centre Leading Researcher Jānis Hofmanis,
VUAS Smart Technology Research Centre Researcher Vairis Caune,
Project Coordinator – VUAS Chief Economist Jānis Sliece