From 19 October, 2020 Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Student Council starts working in a new composition. Lāsma Lubāne, whose birth-place is Olaine or more precisely Medemciems, has been elected as the new Chairperson.
Tell about yourself – which side of Latvia are you from and how did you arrive at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences?
My name is Lāsma Lubāne and I am from Rīga. Actually I lived in a small village called Medemciems but I was attending school and swimming lessons in Rīga. At home I was only sleeping. I was lured to Ventspils by an adventure and the description of the study programme seemed to suit my interests.
In which study programme do you study and why exactly this choice?
I study in a bachelor study programme “Languages and Intercultural Communication” and currently I am in the 2nd year. I immediately liked that the study programme is in English. It seemed progressive to study intercultural communication in English along with foreign students.
What are your hobbies?
I'm a professional swimmer with a completed normative of Master of Sports. Although I am “retired” now, I enjoy swimming in Ventspils Pool.
When and why did you decide to join the Student Council?
When it was time to participate in the elections my lecturer Vita Balama advised me to try and since I was interested in the Student Council activities, I applied with great pleasure. I really didn't expect to become the Chairperson.
Congratulations to you for becoming the Chairperson! What goals do you have for yourself and the Student Council?
Just like the previous Council, we have a hard time understanding how the situation in the country will develop (with the spread of COVID-19 infection) but I think that we have to do everything to not allow the quality of studies to decrease, we have to help each other as much as we can. We have to work on improving the environment in the university and dormitories and we have to think of alternatives for events, so that students can feel the taste of being students even in these difficult times.
What do you think is going to be the biggest challenge?
This is my first experience working in a job like this, that's why I think that everything new always comes with new challenges. However, I am certain that with help and support of my team I will manage.
Currently the world is very unpredictable, there are many unprecedented things going on, generations are changing. What would you wish for all of us?
I wish for people to not fall into the routine of isolation. Even if everything is happening remotely and you don't have to leave your bed, I suggest learning something new, apply for a free self-development course, find a new place to walk, some unknown path in Ventspils forest, maybe start strengthening your immunity and go swim in the sea (but be VERY careful). You have to find the little things in life that bring happiness.
Is there something else you wish to add?
I really hope that I will be able to handle my new responsibilities. But most importantly – I hope that after six months of being together my team will be content of what's been accomplished.