Monday, September 14, within the framework of project Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe (UIA03-250) representatives of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences went on exchange of experience trip to Riga 1. Distance Education High School and RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology.
Since Ventspils University of Applied Sciences in future is planning to offer the possibility to study distance learning, the purpose of the visit was to see how other education institutions implement distance learning, how the study content is created, and how to work with lecturers so that they are prepared to provide distance learning, provide support for students and create study content.
In Riga 1. Distance Education High School representatives of VUAS met with the director of the school Gita Vāvere, deputy director of education Dana Čapiņa, deputy director of IT and marketing Ivo Čapiņš, as well as with the technical team who allowed VUAS representatives to be on the other side of the camera and also to test their skills in front of camera. Gita Vāvere explained how the distance learning process has changed over the course of many years, how technologies have changed the learning process and how teachers work with these technologies. Emphasis in the negotiations was put on how the transition to distance learning was realised, how to control and motivate students to learn, and how to prepare high-quality learning materials. Further cooperation options were also discussed during the meeting.
VUAS representatives were greeted by RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology rector Tatjana Vasiļjeva, director of finances and administration Māris Freifalts, head of the IT department Dmitrijs Geitners, director of the bachelor study programme “Business Studies” Aleksandrs Skvorcovs, head of the Study Quality Centre Ivars Javaitis and director of the bachelor study programme “European Business Studies” Irina Senņikova. Representatives of RISEBA shared their experience on implementation of distance learning process. It should be noted that they have been offering distance learning for several years and the number of students in the distance learning programme keeps growing. During the visit there was also an opportunity to talk about cooperation in various research projects.
One of the aims of the Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe project is to ensure distance learning study methodology and process, and to provide support for the development of distance learning content in Ventspils University of Applied Sciences.
The project is co-financed within the framework of the European Regional Development Fond initiative “Urban Innovative Actions”. This message reflects only the author`s point of view and the authorities of initiative “Urban Innovative Actions” are not responsible for the potential use of this information.