A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics


A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics

Project title: A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics/Vienas bāzeslīnijas radio interferometrs mūsdienu tranzientu astrofizikā

Project No.: lzp-2022/1-0083

Project acronym: IVARS

Project logo: 

Funder: Latvian Science Council, Fundamental and Applied Research Projects

Project submitter: Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS)

Project scientific supervisor: VUAS leading guest researcher Ross Alexander Burns

Duration: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2025. (36 months, 3 reference periods)

Brief Qualitative Description and Aim of the Project:

The use of single-baseline interferometers has been known in astronomy since the 1940s. However demand for the observing technique was quickly overtaken by interferometers comprising large numbers of radio telescopes. As demand for aperture synthesis arrays rose the time shared to each observing program became more limited. Today the field of radio astronomy has seen a resurgence in 'transient' science, where more and more astronomical phenomena are found to be active at months, weeks and even intra-day timescales. For example high-mass stars form in short, intense bursts of accretion that exhibit active variations on day timescales. The recent focus on transient science has renewed the demand for facilities capable of high-cadence monitoring of the brightness variations of radio emission, in which the now uncommon single-baseline radio interferometer is well suited. The project goal is development of the Irbene single-baseline interferometer (ISBI), capable of uncovering the variations of radio emission associated with high-mass star forming regions. The developed ISBI will be used for monitoring the radio continuum emission and maser emission from high-mass protostars. This will foster a distinction between currently untested and competing theoretical scenarios proposed to explain the enigmatic variability recently found to be associated with the formation of high-mass stars.


Project tasks:

  • To enhance the current capabilities at Ventspils radio observatory by advancing the use of the two radio telescopes (32m and 16m diameters) as an interferometer.
  • Refining and automating astronomical observations and processes involved in the acquisition and analyses of astronomical data. 
  • Establish a list of ~30 high-mass protostar targets for which radio signals will be monitored for emission in the 6.7 GHz methanol maser and radio C-band continuum, simultaneously.
  • Interpret astronomical data by the project team members, who are investigating the growth process of high-mass stars. To understand the birth process of massive stars.
  • Arranging public lectures, outreach events, scientific conferences and publications in leading astronomy journals.



Project results:

The expected results will address unsolved questions about the formation process of high-mass stars. Additionally we aim to deepen understanding of the jet launching process which is thought to follow the bursts of growth by which high-mass stars gain mass. The time-domain investigation of these two processes will require high-cadence observations with an interferometric system. Such a combination of flexibility and functionality is not easily achieved by radio astronomical facilities in modern times. This opportunity gives the Irbene interferometer a unique advantage in the investigation of short-duration variable astrophysical processes.

Scientific Results:

  • Addressing questions of the massive star accretion processes, and investigating the formation of jets which are launched after growth bursts. These processes are investigated by observing radiation intensity changes.
  • Automation of radio interferometric astronomical observations and data processing.
  • Streamlining operation of single baseline interferometer data and combination with single-dish radio telescope spectral monitoring.
  • Finding technical solutions to data handling and pipeline for single baseline interferometer.
  • Obtaining data of ~30 massive stars during growth stages, and monitoring radio emission of jets after bursts of growth.

Impact to society:

  • The promotion of STEM and enhancing interest in astronomy and radio systems.
  • Development of technologies relevant to radio interferometry and other scientific research.
  • Deepening knowledge of the Universe.
  • Promotion of Irbene as a globally recognised astronomical facility.

Our project will deliver:

  • 4 Scientific publications.
  • 5 Contributions at conferences.
  • 3 Press releases.
  • 4 Outreach events.


Project funding: 300 000.00 EUR


Project scientific head – PhD Ross Alexander Burns, rossburns88@googlemail.com

Project leading researcher - PhD Ivars Šmelds, ivars.smelds@venta.lv

Project coordinator for administrative matters - Ieva Kozlova, ieva.kozlova@venta.lv

Project logo designed by Katrīna Doniņa 

By Rota Rulle September 19, 2024
For the period from 1.09.2024 to 06.09.2024 Jānis Šteinbergs, Karina Šķirmante and Artis Aberfelds, scientific staff of Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre of Ventspils University of Applied Science, participated in the 16th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users' Meeting, where the results of the project "A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics” (No. lzp-2022/1-0083)" were presented. The following papers were presented at the conference: A. Aberfelds, "6.7 GHz Methanol masers in the IRAS 20126+4104 during minimum and maximum activity". K. Šķirmante report "ACor: Automated Observation Scheduling and Data Management". J.Šteinbergs report "VIRAC automated Single baseline interferometer data processing". The 16th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users' Meeting conference discussed major achievements and challenges in the development of the European VLBI Network (EVN), focusing on the implementation of new technologies and interdisciplinary scientific collaboration, such as: 1. Introduction of new frequency band receivers and development of antennas The conference focused on the improvement of EVN, in particular using high frequency bands such as K, Q and W-band receivers. Projects focused on developing new antenna arrays inspired by SKA (Square Kilometre Array) and ngVLA (Next Generation Very Large Array) designs to improve the efficiency of radio astronomical observations were presented. 2. Industry impact on frequencies reserved for radio astronomy Several papers highlighted the increasing competition between radio astronomy and industry needs such as mobile networks and satellite communication services that use radio astronomy frequencies. This trend raises concerns about the future availability of resources for scientific observations. 3. Improvements in data processing and quicker access to the data from scientific observations JIVE representatives reported on the increasing EVN workload and encouraged the increased use of e-VLBI mode, which allows faster availability of observational data, an essential factor for PhD students to complete their work on time. . Ideas were put forward at the conference to produce and store "science ready" data in the EVN archive to make it more accessible to the wider scientific community. This conference marks an important step in the development of European radio astronomy, addressing both technological and political challenges.
By Rota Rulle January 9, 2024
At the beginning of this year, from January 5th to 8th, a seminar was held at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences as part of the Project lzp-2022/1-0083 "A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics." During the seminar, the what was done during the first year were summarized, future work guidelines were established, and to introduce the broader community to the project's goals and tasks a lecture was given by the project's scientific leader, Dr. Ross Burns. For a more in-depth understanding of these goals and tasks, information can be found on the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre website here . The main idea is to use an interferometer consisting of two radio telescopes a little more than half a kilometer apart, to bring the sensitivity of a system consisting of these telescopes closer to what is theoretically possible. This is achieved by eliminating random sources of noise, such as atmospheric effects, recorded separately in each telescope. As a result, the sensitivity of the system, comprising antennas with diameters of 32 m and 16 m, approaches that of the world's largest telescopes with diameters of 64 m and 100 m. The project aims to use this capability to observe the formation processes of massive stars (greater than 6 solar masses), involving radio bursts lasting only a few days. Since these objects need to be monitored at the same incidence, the world's largest radio telescopes cannot be used (as they are too busy with other tasks). However, small telescope systems, like the one established within the project, can can do it. The project also involves efforts to automate the observation process of cosmic radio sources and improve data processing. The benefits of the project include not only scientific publications but also an enhanced methodology for observing cosmic radio sources. It is worth noting that the revival of interferometric networks, consisting of several antennas, can make a significant contribution to space research, working with still current researches that are within their capabilities. The scientific leader of the project is Ross Burns, a globally recognized scientist whose research interests focus on the study in the radio frequency range of regions where new stars are forming. His current main workplace is the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. To facilitate successful collaboration within the project, weekly remote project meetings take place, and regular communication is maintained through social media groups and online planning platforms. On January 5th, a project seminar meeting took place, allowing all participants to meet in person. The first part of the meeting took place at the Irben Radiotelescope complex, where R. Burns had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the Irben radiotelescopes and the technical work done within the project. In the second part of the day, the meeting continued at Ventspils University College, involving all project participants. During this time, the work done was thoroughly evaluated, including significant contributions to the development and improvement of data processing methodology and software. Future observation plans were specified, taking into account the need to consider future improvements to the telescopes and other ongoing radioastronomical research in Irbene. The discussion also covered the upcoming scientific publications within the project. By this summer, the project will reach its midpoint, and preparations for the associated scientific report were discussed. R. Burns and project participant researcher A. Aberfelds also shared their recent participation in the workshop in Yebes observatory (read more about it here ) and its significance in achieving the project's goals. On January 8th, a seminar meeting dedicated to the wider public was held, where R. Burns introduced the present and remotely connected guests with the research of massive new stars, what was done within the project and what still needs to be done. Special attention was given to the coordination of the so-called maser monitoring organization, which unites several radioastronomical observatories engaged in the study of cosmic masers, with Ross himself in the leadership team. After the lecture, project participants discussed various issues related to the project's progress and clarified future action plans. At the end of the day, R. Burns headed back to Japan. Activities were implemented within the framework of the Latvian Council of Science Fundamental and Applied Research Projects (FLPP) project "A single-baseline radio interferometer in a new age of transient astrophysics" (IVARS), No. lzp-2022/1-0083.
By Rota Rulle December 29, 2023
At the end of last year, from December 18 to 21, the Yebes Observatory, located in Spain approximately 60 kilometers from Madrid and home to one of Europe’s largest radio telescopes with a 40-meter diameter, hosted an international cooperation workshop. Among the invitees were Ross A. Burns, a leading visiting researcher, and Artis Aberfelds, a researcher from Ventspils University of Applied Sciences. The meeting, held in person, included representatives from the Yebes Observatory, Santa Maria Observatory in the Azores (Portugal), and our university. Its primary goal was to enhance technical and scientific collaboration among the three countries and observatories, with a particular focus on studying cosmic masers. The Santa Maria radio telescope is currently used primarily as a geodetic positioning station, leaving ample time for other observation projects. However, the telescope's dish, with a diameter of only 13 meters, is best suited for observing relatively strong natural radio sources, such as cosmic masers. Notably, only a small fraction of such masers are regularly observed, leaving opportunities for other observatories to contribute to these studies. Starting a new research direction is challenging, but the exchange of experience can significantly ease the process. During the workshop, VIRAC researcher Artis Aberfelds presented results from maser studies and observation methodologies implemented in Irbene, sharing expertise in this field. Key challenges in observing cosmic masers were discussed, such as telescope gain stability during observations, the impact of weather conditions, and recognizing the effects of systematic measurement errors. Potential avenues for scientific collaboration were also identified, with key priorities including the monitoring of 6.7 GHz methanol masers found exclusively in regions of massive star formation and joint efforts in interferometric observations. The Santa Maria telescope’s ability to capture the 12.3 GHz methanol maser line is particularly interesting to VIRAC researchers, as it could provide additional data on sources exhibiting both spectral lines. Participants had the opportunity to tour the Yebes Observatory complex, located atop a plateau 1 km above sea level. The site houses an optical telescope, a satellite laser ranging station, a gravimetric monitoring station, and two radio telescopes. The smaller radio telescope, with a diameter of 13 meters, is used for geodetic observations, while the larger 40-meter telescope is dedicated to astronomical observations. Both telescopes can be used simultaneously in interferometric mode, similar to the setup at Irbene’s radio telescopes as part of the "Single Baseline Radio Interferometry for Modern Transient Astrophysics" project. The main Yebes radio telescope operates across a wide range of frequencies from 4 to 100 GHz (compared to Irbene's range of 4.5 to 8.8 GHz), enabling higher-frequency observations in the framework of collaboration. The Yebes Observatory also boasts an impressive electronics workshop, where receivers are designed and built. For example, a new wideband C/X-band receiver operating from 4 to 14 GHz and cooled to 7 K (-266°C) has been developed, with ongoing efforts to reduce the temperature to 4 K, enabling components (including cables) to function in a superconducting state. At the conclusion of the meeting, potential collaboration areas were discussed, including experience sharing in maser observations, the application of single baseline interferometry, and the exchange of observational data. The participants agreed to jointly develop an observation proposal for utilizing Yebes' 40-meter antenna. Cristina García Miró, representing the Yebes Observatory, expressed its commitment to developing a joint European Union-level project to ensure intensive and extended collaboration among the three observatories in Spain, Portugal, and Latvia. Participation in the meeting was funded by the LZP FLPP project “Single Baseline Radio Interferometry for Modern Transient Astrophysics” (IVARS), No. lzp-2022/1-0083.
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