New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output


New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output (RADIOBLOCKS)

Full Name of the Project: : „New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output”

Project No.:

Project Acronym:

Project call: HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01


Implementing Agency: European Research Executive Agency

Project Applicant: Main partner - Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) as a European research infrastructure consortium (JIV-ERIC) (NL), with 33 collaborating partners, including Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Engineering Sciences "Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center"


VUAS Project Coordinator in scientific matters: Scientific Assistant Jānis Šteinbergs


Project Implementation Period: 01.03.2023. – 28.02.2027. (48 months)

Brief qualitative description and objective of the project:


The aim of the project is to achieve maximum support for the leading European radio astronomy research institutes worldwide, which have invested significant resources over the years in maintaining existing infrastructure facilities and modernization programs. During the project implementation, common basic elements will be developed, such as:

  • new correlators that can effectively utilize powerful commercially available graphics processing units (GPUs). The development and improvement of these correlators will accelerate the data processing stages of large radio telescope arrays;
  • modern front-end systems designed for wideband and multiband data generation and real-time processing;
  • multi-pixel (PAF/FPA) receivers suitable for radio telescopes with large primary mirrors, particularly important for future collaboration with European and global research infrastructure (e.g., SKA-VLBI);
  • prototypes of data processing tools for testing workflow functionality and demonstrating the use of comprehensive simulation tools.


The developed solutions will provide new opportunities for scientific research: improving the overall sensitivity, field of view, bandwidth, angular, temporal, and frequency resolution of the combined radio telescope complex, as well as helping to mitigate the impact of unwanted radio frequency interference (RFI).


The project will address issues related to the reception, processing, synthesis, and analysis of cosmic signals, dividing them into four activities: new receiver components, digital recorders, data transmission and correlation, as well as data processing methodologies. VSRC employees will develop and demonstrate blocks - progressive digital solutions based on new and affordable (HPC (High Performance Computing) and AI (Artificial Intelligence)) optimized hardware. These solutions will significantly increase the scientific potential of Europe's largest radio astronomical observatories.


Research directions, activities:


The VSRC team will be involved in two RADIOBLOCK project activities: Development of a Next-Generation Correlator (WP4) and Development of (post)processing tools (WP5).


In WP4 activity, Tensor-Core-based GPU computing technology will be utilized. These technologies are optimized for accelerating signal processing. During the project, key operational blocks of a next-generation correlator will be developed. The correlator will process data from EVN, ILT, ALMA, SKA, EHT, and other VLBI networks in real-time. The processing processes involve VLBI data volumes measured in terabytes.


In WP5 activity, the DASK framework will be used for post-correlation automatic data processing. Necessary workflows will be developed in this activity, as well as KLT and SSA algorithms will be improved and adapted for post-correlation data processing.

Project results: Program solution libraries for radio astronomical data processing.


Project funding: EUR 8,903,952.00, consisting of

  • VUAS VIRAC funding: EUR 235,000.00



Project VUAS coordinator for scientific matters – Jānis Šteinbergs,;

Project leader for administrative matters – Ieva Kozlova,


By Rota Rulle October 31, 2024
On October 28–29, 2024, the VIRAC hosted a workshop as part of the RADIOBLOCS project, titled "New Science in Radio Astronomy: Applying Cutting-Edge Technology to Enhance the Entire Data Chain, from Receiver to Final Output." The workshop brought together participants from the VIRAC, ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy), and EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). The main objectives of the workshop were: To establish a detailed plan for the next phases of the project. To agree on deliverables and deadlines for the work packages, as well as to assign responsibilities to the respective institutions. During the workshop, the use of potential GPU technologies for the project was discussed. Optimizing the use of computational resources requires selecting technologies that facilitate efficient communication between processes. The discussions explored several tools capable of improving algorithm performance while streamlining the software development process through optimized process management, eliminating the need for manual development of communication algorithms. A key topic was the evaluation of the DASK framework, an open-source Python library designed for parallel and efficient processing of large datasets. DASK enables computations that surpass the memory or CPU limits of a single machine (see details: ). Its application is planned for the data processing needs of various interferometric telescope arrays, including the International LOFAR Telescope, the European Extremely Long Baseline Array, the Irbene Single Baseline Interferometer, and the upcoming Square Kilometre Array. The synergy between WP5.1 and other work packages of the RADIOBLOCKS project was also a key point of discussion. The workshop further explored alternatives to the DASK framework, with a focus on Legate, a technology developed to seamlessly replace the popular Python package Numpy while leveraging GPU integration (see details: ). Employing multiple frameworks throughout the project could provide valuable insights and recommendations for developing next-generation multi-core software for radio astronomy. A comparative analysis of the technologies discussed during the workshop could serve as the foundation for a comprehensive publication, highlighting the performance of different technologies under various parameters. These activities were conducted as part of the project "New Science in Radio Astronomy: Applying Cutting-Edge Technology to Enhance the Entire Data Chain, from Receiver to Final Output" (RADIOBLOCKS), funded under project No. 101093934.
By Rota Rulle December 14, 2023
For the past ten months, the project “New Science in Radio Astronomy: Applying Cutting-Edge Technology to Enhance the Entire Data Chain, from Receiver to Final Output” (RADIOBLOCKS, Project No. 101093934, part of the HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01 program) has been underway at the Engineering Research Institute Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center (VIRAC) of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences. The RADIOBLOCKS project, which began on March 1, 2023 , has a total budget of €10 million and involves over 30 partners from across the globe. Progress in the RADIOBLOCKS Project The VIRAC team has significantly contributed to the development of software for data processing across multiple Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) networks, including EVN, ILT, ALMA, SKA, and EHT . This software is designed to benefit the global radio astronomy community. Additionally, the team has improved data processing algorithms previously developed by VIRAC. These enhancements, based on Karhunen–Loève Transformation (KLT) and Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) methodologies, will be applicable to observational data from EVN and ILT networks. The results of the project may also advance single-baseline interferometry using the interferometer complex RT32–RT16 at Irbene and enhance LOFAR VLBI capabilities . Key Activities Involving VIRAC VIRAC is engaged in two major project work packages: WP4: Development of a Next-Generation Correlator Focus: Correlator design and adaptation for advanced interferometry. WP5: Creation of Post-Processing Tools Focus: Adapting KLT and SSA algorithms for the DASK framework . Detailed Results of Project Activities WP4 Results Began adapting the AARTFAAC correlator for single-baseline interferometry by creating a module to read VLBI Data Interchange Format (VDIF) data. Held discussions on developing a near-field offset module . Prepared a work integration plan for VIRAC and other project partners. Developed a detailed roadmap for the coming project years. Contributed to the creation of HPC (High-Performance Computing) specifications for procuring new infrastructure to support project needs. WP5 Results Conducted preliminary research and updated data processing methodologies relevant to RADIOBLOCKS. Explored the DASK framework and its sub-frameworks, creating test projects to integrate these into project workflows. Developed an initial version of the KLT algorithm using the DASK framework. Created a data visualization program for single-baseline interferometry using the DASK framework. Project Travel and Meetings Kick-Off Meeting (Leiden, Netherlands): Discussed collaboration between VIRAC and other RADIOBLOCKS partners, project timelines, decision-making processes, administrative requirements, and reporting deadlines. Reviewed VIRAC’s tasks in WP4 and WP5 , including plans for cluster acquisition, technical specifications, code storage, documentation, and deliverables for the year. WP5 discussions focused on sub-activities, computational resource availability, VIRAC's role in RFI studies , and LOFAR tool development. 2. WP4 Planning Meeting (October 11–12, 2023): Held in hybrid format at ASTRON, Dwingeloo, Netherlands , with VIRAC participants Jānis Šteinbergs (remote) and Vladislavs Bezrukovs (remote on October 11, in-person on October 12). Discussions included compiling technology requirements from various institutions to inform cluster configuration and contribute to the WP4 deliverable D4.1: "Technology Assessment and Cluster Configuration." On October 12, discussions focused on interfaces and key connection points for the "radio blocks" developed within RADIOBLOCKS. A key conclusion from the WP4 meeting was the need for reusability of the developed results. To achieve this, a repository adhering to specific standards will be created, overseen by a DevOps working group led by ASTRON. Discussions also considered whether the final product should be a unified package containing all radio blocks or a set of independent modules. While no single application requires all radio blocks, a unified package remains an option. Work plans, deadlines, and risks for individual project partners were reviewed. Although no significant risks were identified, clearer definitions of deliverables and interim goals were highlighted as essential. Funding and Acknowledgments These activities are part of the project “New Science in Radio Astronomy: Applying Cutting-Edge Technology to Enhance the Entire Data Chain, from Receiver to Final Output” (Project No. 101093934) and are funded by the project.
By Rota Rulle February 2, 2023
The RADIOBLOCKS project, coordinated by JIVE ERIC and including major European research infrastructures for radio astronomy, together with partners from industry and academia, have been granted 10 M€ by the European Commission to develop “common building blocks” for technological solutions beyond state-of-the-art, that will enable a broad range of new science and enhance European scientific competitiveness. The RADIOBLOCKS project will start on 1 March 2023. The RADIOBLOCKS project will take a holistic view of how radio telescopes arrays capture, process, synthesise and analyse cosmic signals and will develop components, technologies and software, applicable to a wide range of instruments, to enable the next major discoveries in radio astronomy. RADIOBLOCKS aims to achieve a maximal boost for the major world-leading research infrastructures in radio astronomy by developing common needed blocks: ● for the development of new correlators, which can efficiently exploit powerful new commercially available accelerator hardware (GPUs). This development will directly benefit the large radio arrays from meter to sub-mm wavelengths; ● in cutting-edge frontend technologies, addressing the generation and real-time handling of wide band and multi-band data, in particular for the creation of novel detectors and components, both RF and IF, as well as the design of backends, with built-in RFI mitigation; ● for multipixel (PAF/FPA) receivers, ranging from cm to submm wavelengths, suitable for large single dish facilities, with special relevance for future collaborations with pan-European and global RIs (e.g., SKA-VLBI). ● for data (post)processing, testing prototype workflows functionality and demonstrating usage of end-to-end simulation tools. "The project RADIOBLOCKS collects the experience and common interests of the radio astronomy community in Europe at large, including several other global parties and industry. For the first time, all will work together to develop the technologies that are necessary for the future evolution of their facilities. This is a paradigm shift, mostly facilitated by the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme", says Dr. Francisco Colomer, director of JIV-ERIC and coordinator of RADIOBLOCKS. The 4-year RADIOBLOCKS project - funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme - involves 33 major European research infrastructures for radio astronomy, together with partners from industry and academia from 9 European countries, Japan, Republic of Korea, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The engagement with industry to co-develop advanced technologies will increase the partners’ technological levels and strengthen their market positions. The European research infrastructures (RI’s) involved in RADIOBLOCKS are the Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIV-ERIC) and the European VLBI Network (EVN), the Multi Element Remotely Linked Interferometer Network (eMERLIN), the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR/ILT, in the process to become LOFAR ERIC), the Northern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA), the 100-metre Effelsberg Telescope, the Sardinia 64-m radio telescope, the Yebes 40-metre telescope, the IRAM 30-metre Telescope and also global facilities of European interest, such as the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO, an ESFRI landmark), the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), the Global Millimetre VLBI Array (GMVA), and the Event Horizon Telescope project (EHT). “The RADIOBLOCKS project brings together world-leading academic research and industry experts from across Europe and beyond to co-develop and then exploit new technologies to maximise the science capabilities of current and future radio facilities,” says Prof. Rob Beswick, Head of Science Operations and User Support for e-MERLIN, the UK’s National Radio Astronomy Facility; Deputy Director of the UK SKA Regional Centre and RADIOBLOCKS lead at The University of Manchester. The project builds on the highly consolidated RadioNet consortium, which, since the year 2000, have been supported by the European Commission through their different Framework Programmes. RadioNet has successfully integrated a unique array of capabilities and contributed to the continued advances in radio astronomy, which are recognised as essential in answering key questions in astrophysics. The RADIOBLOCKS project is coordinated by JIV-ERIC, showing its central role as a coordinating research infrastructure bringing together the major research organisation in the radio astronomy field and its expertise coordinating several EC-funded projects in recent years such as the H2020 JUMPING JIVE. For JIVE ERIC and the EVN , RADIOBLOCKS will have a major impact for the development of a next generation Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Correlator. The EVN technology roadmap for 2020-2030 highlighted the need for broad-band developments, extending the observing bandwidth by at least to 5 GHz, which also requires recording the data at a rate of up to 32 Gbps, an observing mode that will be fully compatible with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA-MID). Bringing in the SKA-MID, and several other telescopes is the other way to increase the sensitivity of VLBI observations performed by the EVN. This is particularly important for narrow-band phenomena - like Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) - where the only way of improving the sensitivity and imaging capabilities is increasing the collecting area (i.e., the number of telescopes, distributed evenly on various angular scales). To be able to process these broad-band data for large number of telescopes (>30), a next generation VLBI correlator, including specific modes optimised for processing large fields of view, short transients (microseconds time scale), and high spectral resolution modes, is necessary. During the RADIOBLOCKS project, the VIRAC team will contribute to the development of a software that will be used for data processing in several VLBI networks (EVN (European VLBI Network), ILT (International LOFAR Telescope), ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array), SKA (Square Kilometre Array), EHT (Event Horizon Telescope)) and will be useful for the whole radio astronomy community. It should be underlined that during the project, the data processing algorithms previously developed by the VIRAC team will be improved and applied to the observational data of the EVN and ILT networks. These algorithms are based on the KLT (Karhunen-Loève transform) and SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) methodologies. The results of the project will be used for further development of a single-base interferometer using the RT32 - RT16 interferometer in the Irbene radio telescope complex, and the results will allow the development of LOFAR VLBI capabilities. “RADIOBLOCKS is an ambitious project that will bring together 33 partners from industry and academia from all over the world.” says Dr. Giuseppe Cimò, head of Space and Innovative Applications at JIVE and Project Manager of the RADIOBLOCKS project. “It will be an exciting challenge to help develop the common blocks that European Research Infrastructures will use to create exciting scientific results to answer key questions in astronomy and astrophysics.” The RADIOBLOCKS project will receive funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101093934. Additional information The RADIOBLOCKS Consortium is comprised by the Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (JIVE-ERIC, NL, Coordinator), Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten (ASTRON, NL), European Southern Observatory (ESO, DE), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas M.P. (CSIC, ES), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (FRAUNHOFER-IAF, DE), Stichting International LOFAR Telescope (ILT, NL), Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique Societe Civile (IRAM, FR), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG, DE), Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB (GARD, SE), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG, NL), Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD, NL), Universiteit Leiden (ULEI, NL), Ventspils Augstskola (VIRAC, LV), Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG, ES), Universite de Bordeaux (UBX, FR), Universität zu Koln (UCO, DE), Syddansk Universitet (SDU DK), Sioux Technologies BV (SIOUX, NL), Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF, IT), Observatoire de Paris (OBSPARIS, FR), Lytid (LYTID, ES), TTI Norte, S.L. (TTI NORTE, ES), Stichting Radboud Universiteit (RADBOUD, NL), School of Management and Engineering Vaud HES-SO / University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO, CH), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL, CH), Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI, KR), University of Pretoria (UP, SA), Beyond Gravity Schweiz AG (BGC, CH), the University of Manchester (UNIMAN, UK), the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford (UOXF, UK), United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI, UK) and the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAOB, UK). The EVN and JIV-ERIC have recently compiled a detailed scientific vision for VLBI, based on input from the scientific community (VLBI 2020-2030: a scientific roadmap for the next decade -- The future of the European VLBI Network) in the framework of the H2020 JUMPING JIVE project. The scientific priorities presented in that document drive the EVN technological developments. The European VLBI Network (EVN) is an interferometric array of radio telescopes spread throughout Europe, Asia, South Africa and the Americas that conducts unique, high-resolution, radio astronomical observations of cosmic radio sources. Established in 1980, the EVN has grown into the most sensitive VLBI array in the world, including over 20 individual telescopes, among them some of the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescopes. The EVN is composed of 13 Full Member Institutes and 5 Associated Member Institutes. The Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE) has as its primary mission to operate and develop the EVN data processor, a powerful supercomputer that combines the signals from radio telescopes located across the planet. Founded in 1993, JIVE is since 2015 a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) with seven member countries: France, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden; additional support is received from partner institutes in China, Germany and South Africa. JIVE is hosted at the offices of the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) in the Netherlands. Contact Giuseppe Cimò RadioBlocks Project Manager JIVE Interim Head Space and Innovative Applications Group Jorge Rivero González JIVE Science Communications Officer
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