New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output


New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output (RADIOBLOCKS)

Full Name of the Project: : „New science in Radio Astronomy: applying cutting-edge technology to enhance the entire data chain, from receiver to final output”

Project No.:

Project Acronym:

Project call: HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01


Implementing Agency: European Research Executive Agency

Project Applicant: Main partner - Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) as a European research infrastructure consortium (JIV-ERIC) (NL), with 33 collaborating partners, including Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Engineering Sciences "Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center"


VUAS Project Coordinator in scientific matters: Scientific Assistant Jānis Šteinbergs


Project Implementation Period: 01.03.2023. – 28.02.2027. (48 months)

Brief qualitative description and objective of the project:


The aim of the project is to achieve maximum support for the leading European radio astronomy research institutes worldwide, which have invested significant resources over the years in maintaining existing infrastructure facilities and modernization programs. During the project implementation, common basic elements will be developed, such as:

  • new correlators that can effectively utilize powerful commercially available graphics processing units (GPUs). The development and improvement of these correlators will accelerate the data processing stages of large radio telescope arrays;
  • modern front-end systems designed for wideband and multiband data generation and real-time processing;
  • multi-pixel (PAF/FPA) receivers suitable for radio telescopes with large primary mirrors, particularly important for future collaboration with European and global research infrastructure (e.g., SKA-VLBI);
  • prototypes of data processing tools for testing workflow functionality and demonstrating the use of comprehensive simulation tools.


The developed solutions will provide new opportunities for scientific research: improving the overall sensitivity, field of view, bandwidth, angular, temporal, and frequency resolution of the combined radio telescope complex, as well as helping to mitigate the impact of unwanted radio frequency interference (RFI).


The project will address issues related to the reception, processing, synthesis, and analysis of cosmic signals, dividing them into four activities: new receiver components, digital recorders, data transmission and correlation, as well as data processing methodologies. VSRC employees will develop and demonstrate blocks - progressive digital solutions based on new and affordable (HPC (High Performance Computing) and AI (Artificial Intelligence)) optimized hardware. These solutions will significantly increase the scientific potential of Europe's largest radio astronomical observatories.


Research directions, activities:


The VSRC team will be involved in two RADIOBLOCK project activities: Development of a Next-Generation Correlator (WP4) and Development of (post)processing tools (WP5).


In WP4 activity, Tensor-Core-based GPU computing technology will be utilized. These technologies are optimized for accelerating signal processing. During the project, key operational blocks of a next-generation correlator will be developed. The correlator will process data from EVN, ILT, ALMA, SKA, EHT, and other VLBI networks in real-time. The processing processes involve VLBI data volumes measured in terabytes.


In WP5 activity, the DASK framework will be used for post-correlation automatic data processing. Necessary workflows will be developed in this activity, as well as KLT and SSA algorithms will be improved and adapted for post-correlation data processing.

Project results: Program solution libraries for radio astronomical data processing.


Project funding: EUR 8,903,952.00, consisting of

  • VUAS VIRAC funding: EUR 235,000.00



Project VUAS coordinator for scientific matters – Jānis Šteinbergs,;

Project leader for administrative matters – Ieva Kozlova,

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