OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot (ORP)


OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot (ORP)

Full Name of the Project: „OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot”

Project No.:

Project Acronym:

Funded by:
EU funding (H2020)

Project Submitter: Main Partner - Le Centre National de la recherche scientific- CNRS (FR), 36 cooperation partners, one of them- Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Engineering Research Institute „Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre” (VUAS ERI VIRAC)

VUAS Project Scientific manager: leading researcher Ivars Šmelds

Project Duration:
01.01.2021. – 31.12.2024. (48 months, 3 report periods)

Brief qualitative description and goal of the project:

The program brings together, supports and coordinates the scientific community to make full use of radio and optical surveillance capabilities in Europe and beyond to address the most important scientific challenges identified at national and European level. These issues cover a range of issues, from the formation of planets and solar systems to the evolution of stars and galaxies, gravity, dark matter and energy. Almost all of these studies require the observation of space objects in several wavelength ranges and will be ensured by the integration of optical, IR, sub-mm and radio equipment in this program. The interdisciplinary research community supported by the program will have the greatest potential to leverage the next generation of mega-devices for astronomical observations, including the SKA, ELT, LSST and CTA available over the next decade, to facilitate their development.

Research directions, activities:

Support for astronomical observations, including VLBI, and their availability to scientists from different countries. Cooperation and networking with EU observatories and institutes, conferences.

Project results:

Further development and use of the European large base interferometry network, results of astronomical observations, scientific articles, conference reports.

Project Funding: 

15 000 000.00 EUR, including VUAS ERI VIRAC funding: 60 000.00 EUR

Contact Information:

Project Manager – Ivars Šmelds, ivars.smelds@venta.lv

Project Administrative Manager – Ieva Kozlova, ieva.kozlova@venta.lv

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